All Thomas Pakenham 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
49419 A rebel ambush in the woods of County Wicklow,from a contemporary Print  A rebel ambush in the woods of County Wicklow,from a contemporary Print   mk197 Led by Michael Dwyer and Joseph Holt,rebels adopted guerrilla war in Wicklow,which took several years to burn itself out
49405 A reconstruction by William Sadler of the Battle of Vinegar Hill painted in about 1880  A reconstruction by William Sadler of the Battle of Vinegar Hill painted in about 1880   mk197 Well directed artillery gave the British regulars and Irish militia a crushing advantage
49416 Admiral Warren-s ships pounding the Brest fleet of Genceral Hardy after intercepting it off Lough Swilly  Admiral Warren-s ships pounding the Brest fleet of Genceral Hardy after intercepting it off Lough Swilly   mk197 The French and their Irish allies fought with desperate courage
49379 Arthur O-Connor,Lord Edward-s ally  Arthur O-Connor,Lord Edward-s ally   mk197 who left for London-Perhaps bound for France
49399 Belfast Assembly Rooms  Belfast Assembly Rooms   mk197 where McCracken was tried and condemned to be hanged
49377 Charles James Fox,Leader of the Whig Opposition and Grattan-s most important ally in London  Charles James Fox,Leader of the Whig Opposition and Grattan-s most important ally in London   mk197 But both men had now decide that it was a waste of breath to speak in their respective Parliaments
49408 Charles James Fox,the British leader of the opposition  Charles James Fox,the British leader of the opposition   mk197 supposed to have corrupted his cousin.Lord Edward Fitzgerald,whose ghost haunts him in his villa near London,together with the headless bodies of the Sheares brothers and other conspirators
49396 Cruikshank-s grim picture of the scene at Scullabogue barn,Country Wexford on June 5  Cruikshank-s grim picture of the scene at Scullabogue barn,Country Wexford on June 5   mk197 About 200 men,women and children,almost all Protestant,were piked or burnt to death by United Irishmen.
74992 daughter  daughter   The daughter of a wealthy landowner in Jamaica, Sarah Goodin Barrett Moulton was born in 1783.
49383 Dublin Castle in the 1790s,seat fo the Viceroy and hub of Briish Power  Dublin Castle in the 1790s,seat fo the Viceroy and hub of Briish Power   mk197 But it was a castle only in name and quite indefensible
49384 Dublin harbour with the domed Custom House in the background  Dublin harbour with the domed Custom House in the background   mk197 On the eve of the rebellion Dublin-s Population was estimated at 200000,making Dublin the second city of the empire
49372 Edward Cooke,under-secretary at Dublin castle  Edward Cooke,under-secretary at Dublin castle   mk197 More robust thn Camden,he tended to side with Camden-s anti Catholic advisers
49392 Erin Go Brach  Erin Go Brach   mk197 James Gillray-s caricature of an Irish rebel,often erroneously said to be Grattan
49413 Erin Go Bray  Erin Go Bray   mk197 An English caricature drawn by Samson in 1798
49393 Father Murphy,  Father Murphy,   mk197 the United Irish leader in Wexford showing his flock what he thought of heretic bullets
49403 General John Moore  General John Moore   mk197 later to win fame in the Peninsular War,recaptured Wexford on 2 June
49386 General Lake  General Lake   mk197 The heavy-handed English general who succeeded Abercromby as Irish commander-in-chief
49414 General Lake accepts General Humbert-s sword as a token of surrender at Ballinamuck  General Lake accepts General Humbert-s sword as a token of surrender at Ballinamuck   mk197 Less chivalrous was Lake-s treatment of France-s Irish allies capturad after the battle
49366 General Lazare Hoche the 28-year-old  General Lazare Hoche the 28-year-old   mk197 Commander-in Chief of the 15000 French soldiers sent to Liberate Ireland in December 1796
49415 General Napper Tandy  General Napper Tandy   mk197 Tone-s bitter rival
49370 George III,King of Britain and Ireland since 1760  George III,King of Britain and Ireland since 1760   mk197 Humiliated by the loss of the American colonies,he had reluctantly agreed to Pitt-s Catholics.
49376 Henry Grattan  Henry Grattan   mk197 once the darling of the Irish Parliament but now denounced as a covert United Irishman
49412 Heroic conduct of the Highland Sentinel  Heroic conduct of the Highland Sentinel   mk197 Cruikshank-s Picture of an act of heroism at the Battle of Castlebar
49418 His death mask in his alma mater  His death mask in his alma mater   mk197 Trinity College,Dublin
49424 Hunted Down  Hunted Down   mk197 By the time of the first 98 centenary the rebellion was rememb er not as a horrific civil war but as a simple story of a people-s Struggle against their oppressors
49409 In Mid-july the survivors of the Wexford and Wicklow armies tried to cut their way through to the Midlands  In Mid-july the survivors of the Wexford and Wicklow armies tried to cut their way through to the Midlands   mk197 but 2000 rebels were repulsed by twenty-seven yeomen in a fortified post at Clonard,County Meath
49380 John Sheares,radical barrister  John Sheares,radical barrister   mk197 With his brother Henry he supposedly joined the new Executive after the arrest of most of the United Irish Leaders at Bond-s House.
49420 Joseph Holt,one of the few Protestants who fought with the rebels in Wicklow  Joseph Holt,one of the few Protestants who fought with the rebels in Wicklow   mk197 He was later transported to Botany Bay
49388 Kildare rebels piking an old man  Kildare rebels piking an old man   mk197 George Crawford,and his granddaughter,another scene from Cruikshank
49371 Lord Camdern  Lord Camdern   mk197 the Irish Viceroy,high-minded and humane,but unterly demoralized by trying to govern Ireland.
49373 Lord Castlereagh Pitt-s 28-year-old Protege and acting chief secretary  Lord Castlereagh Pitt-s 28-year-old Protege and acting chief secretary   mk197 Inexperienced as he was,he had to manage the wild Irish gentry who controlled the Dublin Parliament
49374 Lord Clare  Lord Clare   mk197 the formidable Lord Chancellor and one of the leader of the informal cabinet
49406 Lord Cornwallis,who succeeded  Lord Cornwallis,who succeeded   mk197 Lord Camden as Viceroy in mid June was determined to impose peace on Irland
49378 Lord Edward Fitzgerald  Lord Edward Fitzgerald   mk197 Younger brother of the great Kidare magnate,the Duke of Leinster, and first cousin of James Fox
49389 Loyalists awaiting attack by the rebels on a country house in Wicklow  Loyalists awaiting attack by the rebels on a country house in Wicklow   mk197 A contemporary watercolour by an eye-witness,Caroline Hamilton,showing how ware is an odd mixture of terror and boredom
49398 McCracken-s United and twentieth century portrait  McCracken-s United and twentieth century portrait   mk197 As commander of the United army of Antrim he was one of the few original political leaders of the movement to take part in a battle
49368 Most of the French armada sent to Bantry By Limped back in January 1797 to their bases in France  Most of the French armada sent to Bantry By Limped back in January 1797 to their bases in France   mk197 one battleship,the Droits de I-homme with 600 troops under general Humbert.was intercepted off brest by two british frigates.
49382 Napoleon Bonaparte during his victorious campaign in Italy  Napoleon Bonaparte during his victorious campaign in Italy   mk197 After Hoche-s Sudden death in 1797
49387 On 19 May,Lord Edward Fitzgerald  On 19 May,Lord Edward Fitzgerald   mk197 the reputed commander in chief of the United Irish armies,Stabbed to death Captain Ryan who was sent t arrest him and was then shot and mortally wounded by Town Major Sirr
49395 Rebels dancing the Carmagnolle in a captured house by cruikshank  Rebels dancing the Carmagnolle in a captured house by cruikshank   mk197
49421 Robert Emmet 24-year-old brother of Thomas Addis Emmet  Robert Emmet 24-year-old brother of Thomas Addis Emmet   mk197 the United Irish leader
49397 The Battle of Arklow on 9 June,the Turning point of the Wexford rising  The Battle of Arklow on 9 June,the Turning point of the Wexford rising   mk197 An army of Wexford rebels led by Father Murphy and reupted 19000 Strong,stormed the Wicklow borker town Like madmen and were Flung back with huge losses.
49400 The Battle of Ballynahinch on 13 June by Thomas Robinson,the most detailed and authentic picture of a battle painted in 1798  The Battle of Ballynahinch on 13 June by Thomas Robinson,the most detailed and authentic picture of a battle painted in 1798   mk197 Robinson,who lived nearby,shows the closing stages of the battle in Lord Moira-s demesne at Montalto
49410 The French are on the sea,says the Shan Van Vocht  The French are on the sea,says the Shan Van Vocht   mk197 William Sadler-s reconstruction of Humbert-s troop landing at Killala on 22 August
49375 The Irish House fo Commons addressed by Henry Grattan in 1780 during the campaign to force Britain to give Ireland free trade and legislative independ  The Irish House fo Commons addressed by Henry Grattan in 1780 during the campaign to force Britain to give Ireland free trade and legislative independ   mk197 Grattan,and many of the MPs,are wearing Volunteer uniform to show they mean business.
49381 The Port of Brest  The Port of Brest   mk197 the naval base from which the French sent their expeditions to invade Ireland.
49402 The rebels executing their prisoners on the bridge at Wexford  The rebels executing their prisoners on the bridge at Wexford   mk197 on 20 June, ninety-seven loyalists were piked and their bodies thrown in the river
49411 The Revolutionary army in action  The Revolutionary army in action   mk197 A detail from a contemporary picture of Napoleon-s victory at the Battle of the Pyramids in 1798
49385 The Royal Exchange  The Royal Exchange   mk197 Dublin in the 1790s the centre of fashionable life.Despite the threat of rebellion,the city was wide open to attack ,and none of the bridges had guard-posts
49407 The Unfortunate Henry Sheares  The Unfortunate Henry Sheares   mk197 With his brother John he was arrested before the rising convicted of high treason in July,and hanged in Dublin
49401 The United army of Down has been broken b the King-s troops  The United army of Down has been broken b the King-s troops   mk197 Gerneral Nugent wave to some dragoons rideing in with the rebel-s Liberty standards
49423 The United Irish Patriots of 1798  The United Irish Patriots of 1798   mk197 reincarnated in 1898 for the first centenary of the rebellion
49367 Theobald Wolfe Tone,the 33-year-old  Theobald Wolfe Tone,the 33-year-old   mk197 United Irish Leade who persuaded the French to try to Liverate Ireland
49422 Thomas Street,Dubli the Scene of Rober Emmet-s execution in 1803  Thomas Street,Dubli the Scene of Rober Emmet-s execution in 1803   mk197 Late nineteenth-century engraving
49390 United Irishmen in Training  United Irishmen in Training   mk197 Gillray-s carica ture,Published in 1798
49391 United Irishmen upon Duty  United Irishmen upon Duty   mk197 Another Gillray caricature of 1798
49394 Wexford rebels helping themselves at the table of the Bishop of Ferns  Wexford rebels helping themselves at the table of the Bishop of Ferns   mk197 By Cruikshank
49369 William Pitt  William Pitt   mk197 Britain-s war-weary Prime Minister Ireland,he knew,was the weakest link in Britain-s line of defence against France
49404 William Sadler-s dramatic reconstruction of a calvary charge in 1798  William Sadler-s dramatic reconstruction of a calvary charge in 1798   mk197 painted in the 1880s The Hessians were German mercenaries,notorious for atrocities against unarmed men and women
49417 Wolfe Tone in the Uniform of a French Adjutant general as he apeared at his court-martial in Dublin  Wolfe Tone in the Uniform of a French Adjutant general as he apeared at his court-martial in Dublin   mk197 He had no illusions of what was in store for him

Thomas Pakenham
19 October 1864?C21 August 1915

China Oil Painting Studio Team